Sorry but the game just sucks now

If you’re not trolling, OP, then what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?


I will not lie. Skullgirls might be too hype for him. Especially if he gets the MoeMoe Gangsta edition.

Which comes with a Valentine full body pillow, an Smith and Wesson glock 17, and a bottle of Cavasse

I stand by my statement there’s too much BS that goes on in this game now

what statement? this is the first time you even mention the word BS. in your first post you complain that the game has became too slow and many people have disagreed even to the point of explaining why Objectively that the game is faster than before (combo breaker no longer becoming hard knockdown as well as more mechanics that lead toward more faster offensive play : flipout and stagger).

what “BS” could you possibly be talking about that would make this game become “too slow” to you?

Don’t play it then. Bye.


people here are trying to understand you. The elast you could do is tell them what is wrong and give what you thinkc an fix the problem.

He’s trolling. He’s just trying to get a rise out of people on here. Even if he really does think KI sucks, he clearly has no intention to actually have a decent conversation about it.


*shrug *

Some people just don’t want to discuss things. They just want to say their piece, plop it down on your lap, and expect you to deal with it.

In this case, seems like there’s no real rhyme or reason. First S3 is too slow, then there’s too much BS. It can’t be both OP.

Maybe he is a troll. Maybe he’ll elaborate more next time he posts (next week perhaps).
Whatever the case I won’t hold my breath.

You can call me a troll you want to obviously you didn’t read at the beginning when you clicked on this my very last statement says this is a rant this game has turned into nothing but air juggles and b*lls**it i’m post to have the advantage with a light after block no sir online ranking is a joke

But you know that nobody really cares that you think the game is sh*t, right?
And that posting it here without any sort of topic of discussion leads to nowhere.

It’s just you hating, and posting it here can only be seen as a provocation against the community, aka a troll.

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Straight up Could give two fu*ks what you think bro :rofl: No one ever said I was trying to get anywhere with this it’s called making a statement the game sucks and I’m not the only one with this opinion

I just don’t understand you. You mention that people are not reading your statements when LITERALLY NOWHERE in this entire thread you mention air juggling. Your last post mention bullsh*t (which could mean anything) and your first post in the thread mention slowing the game down…this is the first time you ever mention any specific game mechanic that is bugging you…this is why people think your a troll. Usually trolls don’t say exactly what is bothering them…because they are not looking for help, insight, understanding or a conversation. They are in it for the fun of baiting.

If you think air juggling is slowing the game down too much for you then seriously you should have said that in the beginning of the thread and save everyone the hassle. If you had no one would be calling you a troll but instead asking what charecter you play to give you tricks and tips to help you combat the 3-5 tops character in this game that uses air juggling as a major strategy.

Okay, so, now you’ve made the statement.

… Now what? What are you going to do about it? Was it worth it? Do you feel better now?

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Really maybe u need to scroll up a little bit because I’m pretty sure my last post said something about air juggles guys if you think you gonna hurt my feelings don’t hold your breath I made a statement about this game being shi**y and if you don’t like it move to the next thread✌🏻

If you want to make a disagreeable statement without being challenged on it, make a blog with disabled comments. This is a forum where people discuss things.

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Lol if you want to discuss how shi**y this game is by all means😂


This is why I have this form is a cancer all anyone ever talks about is how good Iron galaxy is doing instead of criticizing and saying what they’re doing wrong we’ve had constant balance damage changes to this game For four years and it’s getting old

they keep nerfing this game.