Shadow Jago Ultimate - HUD visible problem

Shadow Jago Ultimate, has HUD visible during animation. You should solve and make animation like other ultimate.


Yeah. I think it’s about time to give Shadow Jago the same treatment that all the 15 characters with Ultimates are getting.

No meters in general during an Ultimate. At least KI can look organized and cleaned up.


This KI is all but not organized and clean, but the IG does not care.

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I am going to hide before the fanboys come out in force. Have fun :slight_smile:

I do agree. They need a few months of nothing but cleaning the game up.

I disagree with that “IG doesn’t care” statement.

I think I’ve seen somewhere that they were looking to revisit his ultimate to have it be like the others in the future, though don’t quote me on that, I could be wrong.

I do not know where the IG writes these things … is there a specific topic? I never read anything from the IG.

They watch these forums too.