Patchnote 3.8 highly awaiting it

She has a few bug issues, sadly, but the Shin Hisako player can play around them if they know what’s causing them.

As far as her strength as a character goes, I can’t speak much about her mixups or whatever, but she does seem to have some pretty unstoppable runaway that I imagine blows up some of the cast absolutely free: spawn an orb midscreen, then mash backdash repeatedly, as soon as the opponent passes the orb to come chase you, teleport to the orb with forward dash, place another orb, and backdash repeatedly again. I imagine Raam (as an example) can literally never catch her, so as soon as she gets even the smallest life lead, the match is 10-0.

It’s even worse, don’t teleport to the orb, heavy cross up slash towards it. She crosses the screen much faster (she can escape one frame gap frame traps with that thing!!) so anything that catches her teleport startup up completely whiffs on heavy slash and even if raam manages to get her to block something she’s still out of there. Plus she gets a little extra forward momentum to keep running.

You made me curious, so I just checked; if Shinsako does heavy crossup slash with an orb on screen, she stays in place for 5 frames before moving. So you can basically think about it like a 6f teleport reversal (which I think is really, really good but at least it’s not 1f).

This literally happened to me in a local tournament. The person did a mixup that I lost, then just did as you described. I lost 3-0 twice to that person, (first in winner’s finals, then in grand finals). I have no idea how to stop it, if I can. I’ve labbed that thing to death.

Really? That shouldn’t be getting me out of traps then. But i can use it in places where jab and medium dp fail so what gives? Or does it have throw invincibility because i just realized i do all my testing with raam grab set ups.

It’s not throw invincible, no. I dunno, your opponent is just not meatying you correctly I guess.

Easy to test yourself; do Jago’s foward+HK (+2 on block) and then mash jab. Then take Shinsako and try to get out of there, you won’t be able to (3 frame gap). I did frame step to find that the exact number is 5.

Against characters that don’t have “easy” full screen options, I think it is literally impossible to catch her. If she has a life lead, you’ve 100% lost. The list is bigger than just “obvious” characters like Raam, too… I think a character like Jago, despite having a fireball, has no way in either. She can just neutral jump the obvious fireballs and they don’t let Jago get close enough. You can try to stand on top of the orb and throw fireballs but it won’t work for long. It might be slightly harder to keep the lead than vs. Raam, but in theory I wouldn’t be surprised if, like… half the cast legitimately can’t ever catch her.

It’s something they’ll have to change, because it’s way too good. Like, I legitimately think the Shinsako vs Raam match is 9.5-0.5. If she ever gets a life lead at any point in the match, she has won. Only way for Raam to win is to get the first hit and then never let her get a life lead.

Of topic but, … a local tournament? Nice! Where may i ask? :slight_smile:

Tempe Arizona. Part of the Phoenix Valley.

I’m gonna quote you on that last bit. I’ve tried for so long to see if I could catch her with RAAM.

As a Sadira main, I’ve never had an issue dealing with Shin… then again it could be that I haven’t fought a really good shin yet…

But 9.5/.5 … I thought the Sadira vs. Gargos was bad… :grimacing:

It’s just the one thing, I think (the unstoppable runaway). I’m sure if that wasn’t possible the match would be okay. It’s just a super, super degenerate strategy that got overlooked, and I think has some relatively easy fixes too. Shin being able to teleport halfway across the stage in like 15 frames is probably not super hot.

So I did test it, so, yes she does have the start up that can be stuffed, but when you do the orb version shes airborn I think on frame 2, that’s why I was getting out of grab frame traps.

@rukizzel for the patchnote 3.8 textual, any preview for the forum guy :grinning:s?


There will be changes to some characters. Bug fixes for others. Some are not affected.


i mean " when can we know what it contain? :smiley: should we wait till the 27 before we know anything ?

Sooner than that…hopefully.


:grinning: :grinning::grinning: thank you!!!

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Sadira buffs SADIRA BUFFS! Nerf Gargos! :stuck_out_tongue:

Evolve or die friend!!! :weary: play another character instead of wasting time if you struggle with her that mean shes not more for you, so just change.

imao gargos is fine right noww, maybe not for the character you are using but they are alots of characters who easily deal with him, without struggle.
so please no nerf to him :pensive: i think if he get nerf this character will be dropped by many players, gargos is only not that kind of character that you can approach for free , has to be smart when tryin to be close to him. its really fun to fight gargos 3.7 a nice challenge

Cmooooooon teleport for RAAM! :sweat_smile::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray: