Message Post match

it would be nice to have an option to message the person yo just had a match with easily…its complicated to do that on the one lol…or maybe I just don’t know how…like sometimes I wanna congratulate the guy if he win…or say good game ifhe fought hard but lost,or talk mess to a troll who lost… :slightly_smiling:

After the fight, you can hit RB to bring up their profile to message them or you can go to recent players through your friends list to do the same - it’s not hard at all! :wink:

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It’s not difficult, it’s just time consuming… I would love to just have a send message shortcut added to the post game menu. If they are worried about increasing rage messages they could just have it pull up a few preset options like “good games!”


All of this could be resolved with a Respect Taunt. :smiley: