Marvel games future

Omg I’d be beyond ecstatic!!! They really did good with her super abilities and animations

shes in the first 15 seconds and in the latter part of video

Is she in the game yet? I just loaded it, and I couldn’t find her. Maybe she is coming soon, but her files are already in the game. I’m doing an Event Quest that has her in a picture, so maybe I could get a chance to see her in action before her release.

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I love seeing her beat captain marvel to a pulp lol!

Ostrich- no I only saw this promo video- I’m thinking later in march she’ll be released

She’s even kept her fighting stance from X-Men: Next Dimension! Just with a katana in hand now. She looks cool.

I don’t have any IOS device to play this on though. And I wouldn’t support it, due to it stealing assets from other games. But if she ends up in MvC:I, I’d buy THAT game. ^^


You know, now that you said that, she does! Wow. Nice attention to detail Incubus. I would have never noticed that tbh. :open_mouth:


I sure noticed! XMND IS STILL one of. My fave games ever

Her super move was one of the few that had me jaw dropping every time

In fact the supers in this game are great inspiration for future ultimates


I just wish she had her upwards spin kick too… y’know, the same that Chun Li had in the Alpha series, and Ayane has in Dead or Alive 5…

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The one shared by the revanche clone character that had the huge force blast super

Added bonus- updated costumes in the PC Marvel Heroes game

Lol she has a mimic skin

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For me nightwing Psylocke, Kenshi & Kim wu


Where’s Soul calibur character creation when ya need it lol

My favourite costume for her is her very newest one in the comics:

I use her full body suit in Marvel Heroes though.


I don’t have a pc- never had chance to play MH

One day!!!

I like that suit- my fave is her first one- I just hated the Afro hair with Curly tendrils at bottom lol!

This version on right with that hair is awesome

The first pic is of Betsy BEFORE she had her soul merged with Kwannon’s. The right side on the bottom is Kwannon, not Psylocke though.

You know her story? If not, then I can give a short resume… it’s just very confusing. xD

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Yeah, currently trying my hand at it. That 4 star Psylocke will be mine! :smiley:

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The closed PS4 beta is here!!!
If you love x-men, there is a founder’s pack that ensures 6 EXCLUSIVE costumes including Psylocke Lady Mandarin costume!!!

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