Is casual play dead?



Reported for corner trap. Hahahahahahahhahahahaha. Play legit. Hahahahhahahahhahahha.

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Haha funny he reported you for fighting in the corner, as if that’s not allowed. All he had to do was a throw. When he finally threw you, he didn’t even throw you into the corner to swap places, smh

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Really? did he actually expect you to just sit there and let him win or something? cause that’s what happens when you make mistakes. Perhaps he should’ve done some research on Riptor’s weaknesses.

The finny thing was that he threw himself into the corner. He was the one that jumped back at the statt. Plus he had a chance to switch sides mid match.

Dudes like that can’t handle ranked. Surely their head would explode. They won’t put precious rank on the line to possibly bruise their egos. But don’t count on ranked to get you away from this behavior. Although I have received very sportsman-like messages on ranked.

I use fulgore and teleport into a corner on purpose. Bring it! lol