Injustice 2

Well, it’s an easy way to win in this game. It’s why Deadshot is so popular. Easy mode online ranked.

Did you happen to watch the Starfire stream? They just showed people how to zone with her.

They definitely showed more than that.

she feels a bit like super girl to me

She’s cool. I’ve yet to play her, but Zoning/Rushdown sounds awesome. Plus, Zoning really isn’t a style I’m too familiar with, so it will be a new experience.

Ah but you sure know Wu rushdown;)

I think Kory will make me want to perfect her combos & be at the ready for those who think she’s a cheap laser zoned from across the screen. I really love the up close hair whip laser shock and bubble craziness she emits. It’s no fun to just sit at the extreme stage corners and shoot projectiles

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Odd, I never knew Starfire’s alias was Kory Anders.
Is she Sayian or something? Is she related to Broly? It would explain the green energy…:thinking:

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A word play on Coriander


Kory chanting -“Star light, Star bright!” :heart:

Madonna ‘Lucky Star’

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I ran through the first couple of multiverse towers with her last night. She seems fun although I didn’t sort out anything more interesting than two punch into special combos.

I think her projectiles are important to her but I don’t know that suffocating space control zoning is going to be her thing. It seems more like she has good tools to combat other zoners.

I like they way they’ve incorporated her powers into her normals like sweep and uppercut. The face she makes while walking during her victory pose is weird. But it’s a testament to the realism of the graphics that it actually comes across like bad acting rather than bad art.

One thing seems clear to me. There are some characters that you can tell are loved by the developers based on the attention to their little details etc. and Starfire has clearly been made with a great deal of love and attention to the character. Even if you don’t necessarily like what they did you can really tell that NRS wanted to get this character right.


the face as Starfire wins is her first slightly smiling, then she soaks ultraviolet rays for her laser power. She is soaking up sun to project the final blasts. Her win animation is taken directly from her comic.

Think of how a man would wrench his face when trying to open a tight jar of pickles.

This is resolved by watching her until
The very end, her face relaxes and her jaw raise back to normal position.

And yes- someone thank GOD loved her fully and wanted to see her one of if not possibly the best animated fighter character to date.

For them to consider the hair fire color change with shaders is immaculate & awesome.
Really enjoying her gear wchich also each shader brings even different colors in the outfit.

A passion shader for the very same gear loadout will not look like the same or have the same color scheme as the vega shader :trophy:

On the subject of shaders - it’s so odd I bought about 3 upon her release but I’ve literally unlocked 4 of her shaders in a few days :trophy:

NRS has come a long way when it comes to modelling and animating female characters.
Makes me want to see how they will look like in MK11. ^^


Injustice 3 also? :wink: :slight_smile:

Just think- it’s in pre- production now! By next spring we will see some teaser short I bet

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If Grayson’s Nightwing returned, sure.
But I’ve been an MK fan since I played the very first game on SNES. It’s one of my favourite franchises of all time, so watching it grow and seeing the story continue, seeing the games become better and better, and hopefully seeing my favourite character Jade in MK11 as well, is what I am most excited about.

Injustice is just kinda filler in between. It’s good filler and I like the games, but to me they’re more like platforms in between MK games.

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That is how I feel. They use injustice as a way to test new ideas. I just see injustice as a MK game with different skins and story.

Ah, that it is not though. They play very differently, though there are a few elements that they share. They are just as different as Street Fighter is from Darkstalkers, and Tekken is from Soul Calibur. Made by the same company, sharing a few elements, but are overall completely different beasts.

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I wish soul calibur would come back.

They had the trophy IMO

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SCV’s Create-a-Soul mode. :heart:

No other fighting game has even come close to make such a complete and awesome character customization system.

If I2’s gear system didn’t have the stats, but was just for the aesthetics, it would also have been awesome, but sadly the stats ruins it.


Not completely ruined imo but YES very frustrating
In that you get the gear piece you want but it has zero strength & 590 ability. LMAO

I have already transformed one of Starfires Epic heads to the default cause none is better yet

Let’s go picket at Namco offices!!

I just re-roll the gear if I want to switch it up.