Found a troll in Exhibition

This is very similar to an earlier thread @oElleno made (haven’t seen her around since). The thing I took from that and this is that players are unaware of the policies in gaming, well not so much policies as much as code. Dare I say, code of honor/ethics? By now everyone on the forums lives by this while they know it or not, a simple GG goes a long way and even better when someone doesn’t take advantage of the situation.

Regarding the OP, there is no reason to report and nor should you - unless he directly harasses you or spams you in messages/voice chat. As crappy as it sounds, teabagging isn’t a reason to report considering it became a thing of gaming, thanks to Halo. Even @TheKeits does it, it may not be done in spite but the gesture stands and others do it as well and evidently so do those with bad egos.

I never teabagged intentionally, even when I started I was only mocking myself in the situation. I didn’t learn the code until a year later. In time they may care to learn, it isn’t likely but there are a few that stick around to do just that. In the end, it is up to us to continue keeping the positivity and sending GGs all around. If they hate, oh well, you just have to move on and not give in to hate. Some may end up sending you a FR and want to learn how to play better and during that time, the code can be passed on.

Yup, the world keeps on spinning :earth_americas: