Eyedol's story plot hole? (SL spoilers)

It would be easier to give them Retro Eyedol or Retro Gargos skins :frowning:


Bad writing Iā€™m guessing.

I hope not.

Omens, Retro Gargos or Retro Eyedol would have been better for sure. Since they did show retro Eyedol in one of the initial SL scenes so we know heā€™s canon somehow. Maybe do mimic retro gargos so he looks like a mimic and makes more sense in the lore.


The Knights of Gargos dossier say that the Knights have taken many forms of the millennia, so they ā€œMimicā€ other things in the universe frequently.

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Thanks for the heads up, I didnā€™t have that one unlocked.

Donā€™t know if itā€™s been said, but there is a dossier that literally says ā€œthese knights have taken many forms over the centuriesā€ or something along those lines. So yeah, theyā€™ve changed over time.

I guess donā€™t nitpick if there are obviously things you havenā€™t read or seen yet?

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So the point of the thread was to ask questions and get answers, I got them.
I mean, last time I checked we were supposed to discuss the plot of the game here. :\

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This is going to come off as offensive, but I donā€™t mean it that way.

You posed a question and thatā€™s fair. It is the point of the forum. However, it looks more like the point was too nitpick and complain about seeming story inconsistency while option selecting with ā€œhey, I havenā€™t read it all so you canā€™t be annoyed with me if thereā€™s an answer.ā€

Its kind of difficult to know that you should wait until you read information that you donā€™t know exists. I suppose nobody here should discuss the plot at all until they unlock every dossier in the game?

Now youā€™re just being difficult.

There is a world of difference between ā€œhey, these things have been around millennia. Did they have different forms through the ages or was there time travel or something?ā€ and ā€œso there was a green Sabrewulf four thousand years ago? And Iā€™m supposed to believe that, right?ā€ And if you donā€™t see that, well then I guess I should just stop now.

Some people donā€™t read the dossiers until they have them all, Iā€™m one of those people. However , with Eyedol I made an exception, and so I knew that tidbit of info.

Anyway, Iā€™m glad @xCrimsonLegendx posed the question. I love talk of the lore around here, so however it comes, Iā€™ll take it.