Eventhubs rant

Well, I mean… that piece of trash won best fighting game. I’m no wizard of knowledge, but I’m pretty sure marketing for that game goes better so they just advertise and award nonsense to it because they sit on a pedestal.

I feel like it’s much easier and respectable to suck on SF’s toes all the time opposed to calling them out for their bland game. You want change? Than the FGC needs a paradigm shift.

But, I can care less to be honest, I don’t really pay too much mind to websites like EventHubs.

Awards should mean nothing. It won best fg of from the vga is cool, but at the end of the day that is not the only awards out there and instead of getting mad for something so dumb just play your favorite games. Plenty of my favs dont win awards and do i cry? No i say a award doesnt mean i will enjoy that particular game.
And i will say this thread is just pointless cause ki doesnt get a lot of news when if you want news youll get it when the devs say so and THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

1 more thing look the fgc do speak up about the games they play, if they didnt then a certain game wouldnt have had a bad rep.

I’m not entirely sure what you’re ranting about, to be fairly honest.

The part about sf5 getting an award and the part that the fgc doesnt say anything negative about a game.

I’m just going to say the same thing again, so if you want to jump to the end feel free.

SF is a big deal. It really started the FGC when SF2 launched in 1992, and it became embedded in popular culture in a way that no other fighting game really has. When SF launched on the SNES I was in high school, and I had the only sleepover I ever (literally, ever) had so that a couple of friends could hang out the night before the game launched and then we could play it in the morning (it launched on a Sunday, FTW?). MK is big in North America (and Europe?), but not in Japan. SF is big in both. And I know people hate it when I say this, but the FGC is the SFC that has grown to include other stuff (I think Smash is the big and obvious exception to this, but do you really think Nintendo makes Smash Bros. if there is no SF series?). What percentage of people playing competitive fighting games don’t know about and haven’t tried the latest SF game?

Eventhubs covers events, and the biggest draw at events right now is SFV. That’s just true. And it’s going to take a lot more than a rocky launch to bump SF from that top spot. Is it aggravating? Sure, but it’s like launching your new sci-fi franchise on the day the next Star Wars comes out. You’re going to lose. Even if your movie is better, you’re going to get crushed.

The good news is I think people are looking at it wrong if they think the attention SF gets is stealing it from other fighting games. I think SF is the flagship that gets people interested in fighting games and all of the other games can benefit from that attention. The one possible exception is the time and attention of high level players. But I think every game needs to find it’s own community - and I would expect that the vast majority of fighting games and franchises are not going to get the type of size and attention of SF. Because it’s remarkable that any game series has dominated the space this way for so long. That’s not me arguing that SFV is the “best” fighting game - because I don’t think it is. But it’s the starting point and the standard by which all other games are judged. Even @Infilament’s guide started out as “a guide to KI for SF players.”

There are very few games that define their genre so thoroughly in the eyes of popular culture. Probably Final Fantasy for JRPGs. And you can see similar resentment because FF games get huge coverage while arguably better JRPGs (even those from Square/Enix) get much less. But if you find somebody who has played one JRPG in their life it’s almost a certainty that it will be a FF game. Grand Theft Auto has a similar place in “open world” games. I HATE GTA. I just loathe it. But it is the standard by which other open world games are judged. To the point where I think it’s influence is actually ruining what might be good games in the genre (why the hell in Watch Dogs are you constantly carjacking people at gunpoint and running from the cops? Is that what hackers do? WTF?). But GTAV has sold 30 million copies.

Anyway, TL;DR SF is a huge deal and it has deep roots in pop culture and in the FGC. It’s not going to blow over in favor of other games - even if those games are superior to the current SF iteration. The good news is fighting games benefit from having SF bring people to the genre.

As usual I’m always a day late when someone is handing out cookies. lol

No sweat. Enjoy :cookie:

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Good post, dude. I agree, I understand that SF is an amazing staple to all fighting games, as it is the predecessor of what has been establish. I love SF, reason I even understand the very basics of fighting games.

I don’t much mind its praise as a whole, it’s very well-deserving. But, what does bother me is the direction it went in. It was so bland, so generically flavorless that despite the current iteration, it won due to what WAS, not for what it currently is.

That bothers me, it’s not a bad game, but it’s so stale that it’s barely an impression worth remembering let alone awarding.

Overall, I’m not so much annoyed about the Event Hubs thing, it’s reasonable as it’s the staple of all fighting games. I’m more annoyed at the praise it gets over much more deserving titles.

Hope that makes sense, don’t mean to flame SF as a whole as much as I attack the current iterations “accomplishments.”

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I dont undermine importance of SF franchise for FGC, I like most of SF games, but I despise the division of Capcom that develops SF5 and most of this game content.

It sickens me that there are games that do most things right and no one cares where Capcom commits failure after failure with SF5 and they are still praised and on top. How far can they ride on their legacy ticket smh.

Crippled balance, technically inferior even to NRS games, rootkit controversy, seriously how hard capcom has to ■■■■■ up to get justice they deserve. If this game would not be named Street Fighter 5 but it was new or forgotten franchise with similar content, it would be dead and forgotten by now.

I am not disrespecting SF franchise - capcom does.

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