Direct input support on PC

I’m using xpadder so far it works fine( psone controller with a cheap usb adapter) , but sometimes i feel that i’m missing some inputs that i’m pretty sure I hit correctly. Direct Input support really needs to come soon.

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My stick has Ps3 and PC drivers.
The PC drivers work elsewhere in poother games but KI and I got Xoutput to work but it’s not stable.

I think I need Directinput to have my P880 working.

Welcome to the RIDICULOUSLY long wait to allow us to use our tried and true DirectInput controllers in Killer Instinct.

This is incredibly disappointing, to say the least.

Actually, what a bleeping mess.

Reviewing this, i’m probably being too negative.

It’s probably a monumental programming issue, since XInput and DInput are 2 different things.

While DInput was around for years and is basically archaic (I remember seeing DInput references in Microsoft Hellbender days, wow!) XInput was developed for the XBOX console, then I dunno, brought across to windows?

Either way, good luck with fixing this issue guys.