Death Battle: Balrog vs T.J. Combo

I could spoil it for you guys if you want.

The winner was… TJ Combo


I went ahead and watched it last night…IMHO it was pretty awesome. It’s always one of the most mundane everyday things put under scrutiny that ends up being the crux of the ordeal.

Anyway, watching the final blow, I’m glad the KI team went the way they did with the Ultimates and didn’t make them that graphic. That was just so out of place.


That was actually really well done. A better Ultimate than the game, but what can you do when the game has the rating it does. Just it what it is.

Also, TJ breaking Balrog’s arm? Damn.

Also also, props for Death Battle to use the better theme song.

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The Death Battle montage team should make camera move offscreen in a clunky way as a parody of our Ultimates :joy:

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No, they just should have done something that didn’t involve a blatant Johnny Cage Fatality rip-off.
Something like hit Balrog so hard his neck snapped and his head spun around backwards.

Of course they used TJs theme, when you have theme that great why wouldn’t you use it. His theme alone made the fight more entertaining to watch.

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I had high hopes. My man took that battle!

Woo! Man I love that character. I need to play him again.


Me too! That video makes me really miss my old main. I need to training with him!

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i kind of knew that tj was gonna win i mean looking at characters from SF and KI KI has the more powerful characters like gargos and eyedol SF does not have characters that is on gargos or eyedols level


Oni? Ingrid?

oni seems to be the only character in SF that can compare to gargos or eyedol

Great to see a KI character pull it out in DB. Although I was hoping to see them take the Tremor into account. It would take far more force to be able to shake the earth enough to knock someone off of their feet than to kill an Elephant. Theoretically if TJ were to punch Balrog with that kind of force then he should have died instantly.

But that wouldn’t really make a very entertaining DB so I digress. :sweat_smile:

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I mean yeah he would be? these guys are just Street fighters after all

Eh T.J tremor punch isn’t really all that impressive when Q jumping into battle shakes the ground or Abigail slamming his fists does the same but launches them upwards (which would be stronger)

But the DB was pretty good and it mainly just came down to Counter style

So T.J. beats Rog
Rog beats Mac
Mac beats T.J.

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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, Victory!!! I Knew the last breathe would be the decider

That was awesome! Bad asssss! I didnt know they did a 3d animation fight at the end! Ive never watched a death battle… are they all this good with a real fight at the end?
TJ kicked his assss! With and Ultra into Ultimate to finish his off! Boooyah!
SF fan boys prob drying over on the SF forum, pages, and youtube LOLOLOL

Some are well animated like this one but most aren’t. They’re usually 2D sprites fighting each other.

Are the other KI involved fight like this one? IM curious to watch them all now!

Riptor vs Yoshi
Orchid vs Ivy
Fulgore vs Sektor
ans Glacius vs Sub-Zero.