Community drive to get media to re-review ki season 3

It didn’t get a review, sadly. Would be good to review it now that it’s all out to avoid the negativity of monthly updates but they would most likely review just that, season 2.

I think the only people who would really re review the entire game would be people who will be trying out the PC version and trying the Supreme edition.

No, he was done with Twitter, not Youtube. It’s his job after all, I doubt he would abandon it.

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ah alright, glad that’s cleared up.

I disagree. S3 might be a poor value proposition, but the game still has a lot of meat on its bones, unlike SFV. Comparing those launches and saying they are the same is a bit overly dramatic.
There is also not as much attention to the game to spark such an outrage.

If we get a review chance they will review the whole game imo

Ranked leagues, Shadows, Story mode etc…

he’s been making videos lately, and he wouldn’t need to do as much work since he already knows enough about the gameplay to give a proper review of it, he just needs to test out the PC version for quirks and caveats.

I don’t see it that way at all.

First, the PC release is for the entire game, not just S3. S3 release is just for Xbox One where it costs $20 ($40 if you want what’s basically a season pass). On PC you pay $50 and you get for the first time 22 characters (with 4 more to come) with all clothes, retro costumes and for life double XP on this system. This is WAY better deal than SFV offers right now on the same platform.

I can’t say how the PC launch will go in regards to net play but judging by how well the game runs online on Xbox One that’s also a point where most probably the game will be years ahead of SFV.

Seriously, the only single point I can say SFV has it better is in what you already mentioned, it’s name alone. It’s easier to overcome SFV flaws because of that but that doesn’t mean SFV lacks it’s fair share of flaws.

The main “flaws” we’ve seen so far in KI are cosmetic, the lvl4 enders and the stage ultra announcement. These are highly subjective and on streams I see a lot of people that like them (even when I myself don’t).

TB has quit public social media because he gets flamed A LOT,(you don’t really have cancer your just saying that for views blah blah blah), and has better things to do with his remaining time than read through that garbage; although he still has a twitter that auto-posts his activities. and he is still making videos when he is well.
Last we’ve heard he is doing well but there is a very high likely hood of his symptoms returning and being untreatable.

That’s a shame, the internet is something else. You truly need thick skin doing what he does when people have the balls to say things like that smh.

Hadn’t heard he has cancer… it’s a shame :frowning:
He’s one of the best reviewers there is, plus he is one of the very few, that still fights hard for the PC platform.
Poor guy, must be hard as hell, even without people from the webs being asshats :frowning:

And there’s nothing they can do, or?
Is he “just” unwell from treatment?

He has chemo therapy every couple weeks to a month, and that leaves him sick as all hell.

Oh… as far as I know, they only do chemo if they can cure him.
Not that knowledgeable in the field though.

Hope he pulls through… no one should go through stuff like that, especially not too early in life (like too early isn’t always)

Kind thoughts to Biscuit from here

They probably are going to “re-review” the game…but not really. KI on PC is a new sku, and for new skus they do reviews.

He has terminal cancer that metastasized in his liver. Usually such patients are given a couple of years, but TB is a lot younger that most patients with this type of cancer, so he might live a lot longer that that.
Chemo makes him sick on top of that and you can’t really ‘cure’ cancer. Obligatory XKCD.

did reviewers re-review gears ultimate? not really aside form very few. same gonna happen to ki.
the best you can expect is a review on performance.

They did review the pc version yes.