Can the CPU not do full ultras please?

Since writing this I never really played vs CPU that much anyway so it’s a non-issue. Just seemed odd at the time that a CPU would gloat in its victory since, you know, it’s a machine that doesn’t care about winning.

It’s 5- 10 seconds.

If you are wasting even 30 minutes to an hour a day playing a videogame, I assure you 10 seconds is not a “complaint worthy” waste of time. Stop hiding behind that pitiful, baseless excuse and get good.

Spend that 10 seconds thinking about WHY you lost, and then it is no longer a waste of time! Problem solved!

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go ■■■■ yourself you condescending prick

My apologies. This request is still childish though.

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Have you watched KI tournaments?

Sometimes pro players go to the character select screen after a loss, JUST to take time to think about what they need to do. When you get ultrad, think about what you need to work on. Calmly.

No one here believes you are upset about ONLY 5 seconds of wasted time. That’s ridiculous. You might be upset about 5 seconds of wasted time, AND LOSING, but no calm- headed person cares about 5 seconds in this situation.

If you still don’t care (because maybe you are angry right now), then at the end of a match, just jump up and down. The CPU will get the “last hit” on you in the AIR instead of on the GROUND, which will keep them from doing an ultra on you.


Honestly the CPU doing full Ultras isn’t for the long-term players that have seen them over and over. Just like Fatalities in all the Mortal Kombat games, it’s essentially a tech demo to show new players what moves are possible. Unlike fatalities though Ultras are an important tool for ending a match when your opponent is in danger, so it is somewhat important to convey that you can do that to new players.