Arms - New fighting game on Switch

Well, so far every source I’ve seen says it can be played with a regular controller

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You mean party games.

Well, I prefer to use the term “party brawler” or “arena brawler”.

No motion controls needed? Time to start studying the frame data!


Interesting, but I’m still too classic. I wonder if something similar will come as popular as smash. I played Smash but didn’t like it, I prefer fighting games over brawlers (sub genre?).

I think I’d call this more an “arena fighter”. So, similar to something like Pokken or Power Stone.

I’m pretty interested in this though. It looks fun and in motion looks pretty good to me. If I end up with a switch like I wanna, I’ll probably try this out.

Just played the Global Test Punch a few hours ago. It was a blast. The motion controls felt responsive surprisingly.

Played it last week too, aswell as earlier today.
While I really liked the motion controls and find them to feel like they are ‘done right’ (they are intuative, make sense, and wont make you injure yourself :sweat_smile:).
I still prefer casually reclining on my couch with the pro controller, but hot damn did I have a blast!! Its one of those games like mario kart and smash brothers (probably Splatoon too, but I havent played the first one) where nintendo just seems to hit the right note with their first game in a new franchise :sunglasses:

They should keep their enthusiasm for creating something new more focused on games instead of trying to innovate every console and they would probably be the top dog in the industry…


Bringing this thread back from the dead. The game has evolved so much and has become one of my favorite fighting games of this generation. I think I’m actually having more fun with this game than I did KI to be honest.

This feels like a nintendo made fighting game in all the right ways.

cool stuff like this happens and more people need to play this game.

I am sad that it just got, according to nintendo, it’s last major content update, but this game is satisfying in it’s current state.