A Competetive Gamer

Ignore the title spelling, I know it is spelled wrong but for some reason it is censored so I am not allowed to use it. @rukizzel, someone dun goofed over there, lay down the law man.

Made a video of my experience and understanding of a competitive gamer for my final presentation in my media production class.

Disclaimer: I know that the terms competitive and hardcore are intermixed, but I truly believe that the term “competitive” has evolved to be classified as its own based on my experiences. Also, remember that these are only my take from being competitive and a lot aside from outside resources are opinionated. Also, I may sound boastful near the end, though know that adding a form of self-recognition was necessary to deliver a point to my class. Sorry if I seem forward, I know I am nowhere near the level of pros within our community, though I am trying to earn such credibility amongst everyone here. Anyway, take it at face value, I was happy with the outcome and thought I would share it with everyone. Hope everyone enjoys as much as I did.

@STORM179 Also, I should’ve asked, a time constraint made it difficult for me to immediately reach you, if you would like me to remove your name, I won’t hesitate. I included you for the push that you gave me to believe in myself.

Similarly, @TheNinjaOstrich I would have included you but I didn’t know your last name. Though, you more than certainly have earned yourself a special thank you for even getting me involved with the competitive side I thought was non-existent.

I know I am missing a few mentions here, but if we ever had such interactions, than thank you for the guidance.


Very Inspirational dude. Nice project! You totally have could have asked me my last name, or at least looked on my Xbox Profile :slight_smile:

I’ll be honest @oTigerSpirit, you know you are one of my inspirations to play competitively, right?


inspirational indeed! applaud

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I tried :cold_sweat:

I didn’t know to be honest, but I am glad to hear it. :sweat_smile:

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I hope you did well in your class. The video production and editing looked very good to me. I’m always impressed by people who can make things.

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No sweat sir. Good job on your project - it was very well done :slight_smile:


Well spoken brother. I would love to be considered one of the best or at least a terrifying opponent. I have no idea if I am or not, I can’t seem to get past the low end of gold teir. I’ll only get matched with a handful of people I can actually fight, then get paired with a bunch of killers I can’t possibly beat. Maybe if you wanna spar you can look me up… My gamer tag is General Screbor
I’m a Riptor main, but I also have a lvl 50 saber and jago. Kan Ra and Eyedoll late not far behind.

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Loved your video documentary!

Very well done, your an asset to the community and scene.
Entertaining, informative, well edited.
Next time Stalking, Cheaters, Bully’s, Sociopaths and Trolling.

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Can share this on the ultimate fans facebook page?

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I wouldn’t have access to it, but feel free to share it for me if you’d like!

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