3.9 Rough Sets

Season 3 Rough Sets with DevilMayCare4 (TJ Combo) (Kilgore Edition)

Season 3 Rough Sets with PAG|JayKid (Sadira) (Kilgore Edition)

Season 3 Rough Sets with BH|SamanoXSK8 (Jago) (Mira Edition)

Season 3 Rough Sets with BH|Waterhorses (Glacius) (Kilgore Edition)


Season 3 Rough Sets with DeathMonkey N (Spinal/Gargos) (Kilgore Edition)

Season 3 Rough Sets with Bastfree (Kim Wu) (Shadow Jago Edition) (Part II)


Cool. Iā€™d heard good things about Sk8ā€™s Jago, but hadnā€™t gotten the chance to see it in action yet.

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Best Jago in my eyes

Season 3 Rough Sets with Delta Rayquaza (Eyedol)

Season 3 Rough Sets with Darius GQ (Orchid)


That eyedols pretty good kappa


better then thompxson?

Season 3 Rough Sets with BRICK1248 (Kan-Ra)


Iā€™ve been waiting for this one.

Season 3 Rough Sets with MnT|Letalis (General RAAM)


Season 3 Rough Sets with HW|FREEKY JASON (Kan-Ra) (Mira Edition)

Season 3 Rough Sets with Samish02 (Aria) (Jago Edition)

I watched all the ones bastfree plays with Kim wu and he really improved her. You can see that on each set. He really makes her look viable and fun to play.

Thatā€™s because Kim Wu was never not viable. Sheā€™s always been good. She has a lot of dumb stuff too. A lot.

Season 3 Rough Sets with YoungCamThaStar (Jago) (Jago Edition) (Part II)

Season 3 Rough Sets with ThrashHeavy (TJ Combo)


Season 3 Rough Sets with ThrashHeavy (TJ Combo) (Shadow Jago Edition)

Season 3 Rough Sets with UA|DevilMayCare (TJ Combo) (Mira Edition)

If someone wouldnā€™t mind inserting an applause GIF in here, that would be swell. :thumbsup:


I tell everyone this all the time as do other Kim Wu mains I know, and they never listen. Itā€™s sad when people want to play a character, and get discouraged by what some people say.


Donā€™t get me wrong guys. I definitely used the wrong word here. ā€œViableā€ is a too strong and specific word and wasnā€™t what I really meant.

Iā€™m playing her now and she is good. No doubt she has some weaknesses like almost everyone in the cast have ( she is easy to shadow counter, you can block while standing almost everything that she does and you have to make some good reads while playing very patiently sometimes) but what impressed me was bastfreeā€™s improvement on each set to the point of beating a top player like bass sometimes.

Basically LCD was the only top player playing her and he gave up for his ā€œpocket gargosā€ or whatever. So it was cool to me to see other players making a good use of her against the best players. I know we have a Japanese Kim player but beside that, I havenā€™t seen other person playing her in tournaments or sets with top players.
