Stream before trailer, takes the hype away from trailer?

“Here’s a gameplay stream”

“We want a trailer. It sucks to have the stream first.”

“Here’s a trailer.”

“Where’s the teaser? The trailer is trash, we only want the teaser.”

I’m sorry guys. I know I’m just a cranky old ■■■■■■■, but these are the kind of threads that make me wonder if our community has any sense at all… It doesn’t take much effort, creativity or devotion to ask for more ■■■■. Making things takes time and energy, planning and sometimes even good luck. They can get you your trailer before the gameplay stream any time you want. But they would need to push Gargos back to June to do it. How does that sound?

“No we just want something for nothing! Make us magical unicorn ponies to ride on while we play the game. We can ride around on them dreaming up ever more trivial stuff to complain about.”

Gargos comes out next week and people are complaining about the order of the advertisements.


It’s very easy to dismiss criticism as entitlement. No one here is making demands of IG or Microsoft at all. I recommend going back and reading through the topic again.


Andy I love you n all but please read my above posts. :arrow_up::arrow_up:

Don’t throw stones at fans that just want to make ki a better game.

Come on now. This is what I’m talking a about In my above posts guys.

Some of us want eyedoll some of us want omen to be a real boy. Some of us want the trailers to be far reaching so NEW people can be inspired to play this game.

Don’t throw stones. Just because i might not care about omen doesn’t mean I don’t see the benifit of making him a real boy.

Just like someone else might not care about the trailers?.. but they could try to understand that maybe it stems back to KI having NO advertisement budget ever with very little outwardly push.

Keep it together and don’t hang our own community. We need everyone here because we are ALL super fans.

If we segregate our own for loving ki they won’t come back here (and trust me I know lots of ppl who stay away from the forums for that reason now) we need us ALL to be engaged.

Now go make a nice tea mr cranky and reeellaaxxx lol :heart::heart::heart: :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Yesterday’ had a stream that was so amazing that it’s hard for me to out my thoughts into words. @ruk I hope you know my rant the other day had good intentions at the end and I have to admit, I stand by the My feelings, except I should have articulated them better. It will be interesting to see you guys move forward, trying all this stuff out new to see what is the best way to promote a character or the game. I was also glad to see that you guys through up some videos of gargos matches at the same time (I was literally going all school girl, texting my brother about gargos like he was god lol). It was nice to be able to show him because he isn’t part of the 600-1000 that are as diehard fans as we are now, but it still all holds a special place in both our hearts as both he and I spent countless hours/quarters at the arcades playing KI when it came out and we came to this country. (He always is in love with retro lol sigh) So I do have to say it was cool that you guys did try to change it up and give us something especially with e3 coming up and I’m sure having a ton of resources tied up working on that. I hope this makes sense and, haven’t had my morning coffee yet lol, but just wanted to show my appreciation for the stream, the hard work you all out in in, and the guts to try new things (especially when you can have people not get it right away…:upside_down_face:) alls I know is I am so hyped for gargos release its mind boggling! Can’t wait to see the future of this game and it’s progression.

I think the stream reached way more than that.

Again, I’m not complaining. As a fan, I’m well informed and get to see everything when it comes out, I know where to look for it, etc. But, for the general public, I think it’s the same thing whether it’s a stream or a trailer once it goes into YouTube. Soon the stream will be up, as well as other streams made by those selected players who get early access to him, so you’ll be seeing plenty of Gargos material populating the web before his trailer.

It’s not the format (trailer / stream) that will make it more or less accessible to the rest of the audience. Whatever goes public first is what really counts. And while the Twitch channels and the forum are more “hidden” from the general public, YouTube is not.

Thanks for sharing those backstage tidbits. I know there’s a lot of strategy behind release dates and formats (especially for guest characters) and that sht happens everywhere and in every job. Sht happens everyday in mine, so I can easily relate.

Perhaps a better strategy would be to make “lighter” trailers - like a montage of gameplay showing off the character’s moves with the theme song playing in the background, and losing all the more “cinematic” elements, such as camera angles, sound effects, dialogue, etc. Think of it as a really short edit of a stream, but without the commentators. THEN make a stream afterwards. I know even then it may be hard to accomplish at times, so it’s just an opinion. Won’t complain if you don’t comply.

Honestly, I’m so amazed at what I saw in the stream, I have no words for complaints. The ones I have I usually voice them - and to date I think I only started 2 or 3 threads on improvement suggestions - and even then they shouldn’t be seen as “complaints” but rather suggestions.

People are never 100% satisfied, they always want more. I’m one of them. I’d lie if I said I didn’t care much about more stages, Eyedol, timely trailers, teasers, etc., but I also understand your (IG’s) plight and like what you (rukizzel) give to the community in exchange - from blurry teases to the KI novella, to the music making-ofs, there’s always something, some bit of info coming out every week - and that’s greatly welcome.

In the end, I’m just happy that KI is back and still around, with more and growing popularity. I don’t know if it’s up to common joes like me to keep this game going through further seasons, but if it is, please let me know what I can do, because I sure as heck I don’t want this to be the last season.

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Thanks for the big explanation @rukizzel

it’s nice to see a good explanation to it all :slight_smile:
I was the one creating this thread, and frankly didn’t think it would get this big.
Only just tried to give feedback, nothing more… I love what you guys do, but was just giving my opinion on the fact that I personally think you did it better, earlier.

But no, you’re wrong about this thread being about complaining about teasers not being there… it was actually legitimately about the trailers themselves… yeah I’ve been sad that the teasers wasn’t there but figured that there was a reason for it (and you confirmed)

I would also like to add that I also think, that a lot of the people asking for teasers is exactly based on the fact that they’ve already seen the entire character the trailer is for (because of the stream), which makes the trailers only purpose, to see the tease, for many.

It’s fine that the trailers are mainly for casuals and non-KI-players, that makes 300% sense for marketing. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get anything out of it as a hardcore fan… as I said in the OP, I loved seeing the trailers because that showed me the design, some personality and a lot of moves I could start speculating on what would be and do…
It was SUPER exiting to speculate about all this and be introduced to this new character…

The tease in the end is also a BIG deal of it all, but the trailers itself was VERY important to me… more than the tease.

Please don’t take any of this as an angry rant… trying to help you guys with input… do with it what you see fit :wink:

I’m actually in Tokyo and I’ve been drinking sake all night, not tea. So I will exercise my lapsed judgement and respond. First - I think you contribute a lot to the community. I don’t necessarily agree with all your posts, but I agree with your attitude. You are very positive and that’s great.

I am not trying to run down the community - I’m just asking people to have some perspective on what they are requesting. I think it’s a bit lousy, frankly, to complain about the order of the release for the gameplay stream and the trailer. By March 28th we will all be playing Gargos and no one will care about the trailer or the gameplay stream.

I just think that someone needs to point out that we are very spoiled by all the info we get. It’s easy to criticize, but making things that meet expectations, and hit deadlines is very hard. The devs are people too and no matter how professional they are I’m sure it stings to put out an awesome and informative gameplay stream for a brilliant new character and to only hear from people “you should have done a trailer first.” I don’t think the complaining on this thread is proportional to the need.


I get this now! You guys want to show the next character at E3 specifically, to tease him now would spoil the surprise. I understand the reasoning now and knowing this brings back some of the hype for me!


Thanks for the clarification, Rukari. It’s meaningful that you are willing to come along and tell us what goes on behind the scenes with the KI traillers, organising the release of information, etc. It’s interesting and very few, if any, developers I think would be willing to do it as regularly as all of you at IG have done.

From my standpoint, images aren’t helpful, but this is why I appreciate teasers evenmore than most I’d say. However, that doesn’t mean that images aren’t helpful to other fans.

I’m glad that we know ahead of time the next character won’t have a tease and that E3 will have KI related info (from what you say)

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You see… I will in a sense care there is no trailer…

like Adam said the trailers are for them not us! :smile: they are made so they are posted all over mainstream websites to inspire new blood to play this game that may not even heard of this game.

New blood is important to me. It’s not just about my hunger or what I want but how the game grows.

What you doing in Tokyo I’m jelous. Usually it’s me all ova the world hehe.

Thanks you​:heart:. And I hear what your saying sometimes a msg replayed can become frustrating, it can even feel disrespectful, We will all get used to how things are eventually. Just like we did with air breakers :joy: but until then let’s try patience with each other

I know SO many ppl who Dont come here anymore because they feel their are on the wrong side… that deeply saddens me. We must keep all put bothers and sisters.

And I agree we are lucky to have the wall of text.

But after that poped up these concerns have simmered.

Sometimes honestly is the best policy rather than telling us you don’t need them or they ain’t important tell us “dudes we are flat out and it’s not even possible but this game is going to be more awesome for it”

I agree sometimes we feel like we should stand up for the devs (as people) but everyone who comes here is a credit to their hard work. Fans are fans at the end if the day.

Sometimes you have to complement yourself and realise anyone here nagging are still playing and enjoying this game 3 years in :hushed:

Now who would have thought that???


What @TempusChaoti and @rukizzel were saying that they don’t make the trailers for the forum community it’s basically for the people that don’t have the game but follows the news and has a reason to make the purchase

Since I can’t like any posts at the moment - thanks man, for taking time out of your work day to address us. This is honestly a pretty trivial topic, so your taking the time to address it speaks volumes.

I know I wasn’t one of the people screaming about teasers (frankly I don’t give a crap, I like seeing stuff when it’s done) but it was regardless very insightful and I appreciate the peek into your obstacles.