KV Meter pinging

I’m liking it.
I use Thunder with the wrenches so it just seems like his weapons making the sound.

+1 for the option to turn all this off. The KV meter noise is just super annoying, especially considering it plays during ALL attacks that put the KV over 100 (not just near the end of combos) such as throws and command grabs.

The shadow meter noise also has to go. I thought something was wrong with my game at first before I realised it was happening every time I gained a pip as Fulgore. It’s seriously distracting and totally unnecessary. I can see why a newer player might benefit from it at first but for myself it’s a real turn-off.

Not to mention it takes away from a lot of the much cooler SFX and audio in the game already.


I like it but options are good.

Just wanted to contribute my opinion: I’m not a fan of the KV meter or Shadow meter sound effects. If they’re in there to aid the disabled in some way, that’s awesome; I would prefer having an option to disable them both in the future, though.

I never even noticed. :sweat_smile:

How could you miss the sound of a child banging a brass pan with a golf club all throughout your matches?!? lol.

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I don’t play with headphones or anything and generally I have the TV turned down to a respectable level. >__<

I hate how it does it for every hit of a throw (like Mya’s) and for juggles too.
An option to turn it off would be great. And it should DEFAULT to being OFF with a toggle in the audio menu. Would hate to have to watch a tournament or something and listen to it constantly.


I like that they are there. An option would be nice but I don’t mind not having one right now. Though the kv effect itself I don’t like, they’ve already said they’re working on it, so it should be fine.

I actually don’t like the notification sounds for shadow meter especially when it comes to Fulgore(instinct on or spin speed at max)

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Yeah, would be really happy to see it have an option to turn off. Is really cool that the team added something to help visually impaired players, but I’d definitely like an option to turn it off. Is just so jarring to hear a fleshy character suddenly sound like I’m punching a legion of Fulgores or something :-/

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I do find the metal clinking to be distracting, especially with Fulgore around since every pip clinks…

Yeah after watching the video, that has to be really annoying if you’re a Fulgore player. I hope they make the ‘turn off’ option a priority.

Nevermind if you are Fulgore, you can also not be playing as Fulgore and against him and it is still there to annoy you, there is also Fulgore vs. Fulgore probability to go beyond annoying as well.

The video I posted is a little extreme but, you still get the picture.

I’ve gotten used to the KV sound cue but I do feel it should be a different sound. The cling kind of sound currently being made makes it sound like your hitting fulgore every time your combo is about to blow out.

I feel a more natural sound would work better and give the player the option to turn it on/off that way everybody wins.

I feel the sound in the shadow meter being restored is fine as well.

for God’s sake!! :tired_face:

These noises are so annoying. Please take it off or make it optional.
Im not having any fun while playing this game.

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Good point, this should be optional in the menu for noobians not us that are very familiar with the game and mechanics.

Man… I knew I wasn’t going insane with the Fulgore mirror.