KI Costumes/Skins Thread

Now I want a Jimi Hendrix type character.

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I am trying to get a Wendigo character, and maybe a Sasqautch/Yetti character too lol they could make that really fun, they could make his win animation him walking away sideways looking at the camera exactly like in the orginal Patterson video , I would lol so hard

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I feel like a Sasquach/Yeti would be some ice type of monster that would walk all over Glaciu’s turf.

I think the best way to approach this would be if they released themed outfits for 3 characters every holiday or so. By the end of the year, the full roster should have a new outfit.

If they’re themed, they’ll feel more gimmicky and it won’t feel like we have to buy them.

 but that’s the purpose of DLC. To buy and support the developers content. Unique costumes with a lot of effort put into them should attract people and cause people to want to buy them. Terrible ones should be ignored.

They could just make him a brown Sasquatch instead, that way he isn’t white and has no relation to snow/ice. It would likely be a joke character but I think it would be fun lol though idk what his specials would be, I imagine he would be the around Glacuis’s height but would play more like Thunder or Wulf and have no projectiles or teleports, just physical specials and maybe some grabs. He would likely hit like a train lol

I wanted to share this article by CNBC. According to them League of Legends was the most profitable game with a revenue of 1.6 billion dollars. All of that came from the only thing they sell in the game, costumes. The characters are all earnable by playing and gaining experience but the real sellers in the game are the skins.

Hopefully IG/MS see this and realize how big this is if a good amount of effort is put into a character skin.


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A lot of people across the internet seem to think Kim Wu’s persona resembles a certain Xmen character. Alternate skin inspiration?