Enough development time? Will there be bugs at launch?

NOT even in the slightest bit worried.

-IG made a great game even better!!! Season 3 is AMAZING (got to play extensively at the KI World Kup)

-They have been quick to patch issues and how many patch updates have “fixed a bug where ____ char does a very situational thing”?

-Be glad there are patches at all. Thank god this isn’t MvC2 days

-Seriously, I have never seen so much crying over a game getting improvements and continued support. Are these guys all SF5 fans or something?


lol. if u read my initial post and your already pre-salty u might interpret it incorrectly. drink a beer, realize life is good an go back and re-read it. cause everything I stated in my post was true.

be glad there are patches at all?

ya, I’m also great full earths air is 19 percent oxygen, cause a billion years ago there wasn’t any. do I appreciate how games evolve based on tech? yes, at some point applying past instances aren’t applicable

Your accusations are disappointing, but honestly expected at this poiint.

A music bug isn’t crashing the game or destroying the overall game experience. While important, we have to prioritize in how we fix things.



The dilemma you try to raise in this thread is moot; games will ALWAYS have issues both small and large no matter how much time they are given to develop and there is nothing you or I as consumers can do about it, just short of modding and bug reporting - pretty much what we’re already doing.

That in mind, I’m not even entirely sure what the point of this thread is…

@TheKeits : “We find and fix most of all the huge bugs before you even get your hands on the content.”

You: “Yeah but I found this bug at launch.”

U-umkay, what’s your point? Your statement would only be applicable if he said they fixed 100% of all bugs before launch.

Even still, if the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of bugs at Riptor’s launch is her stage ultra music not being edited from its placeholder, IG is doing a fantastic job!

Says the guy who wanted more characters at S2’s launch — not that whatever time constraints the game has had thus far have stopped you from gobbling up the content pretty much as soon as it came out!

Cry moar! :blush:


You obviously have no idea what goes on in developing a game…


From my perspective,The game actually has less bugs than what it used to in the DH days to be honest. By bugs I’m referring to competitive play, not spaghetti hair or clipping and such. Sabrewulf’s cr.m punch target combo lockout BS, unbreakables (some are still in but s1 caliber, not a chance, ahem…sadira)…Glacius infinity and beyond shadow counter active frames when armored, Fulgore reversed corner input bug, Spinal reset glitch (still think this one is in but afraid to mention it, only ever seen hitbox tyrant do in match before), Spinal’s teleport actually causing the game to crash, and the list goes on and on

This is not taking into consideration the limited roster at the time. Given the type of game that this is and it’s small budget, I think all teams have super exceeded themselves. Props to all of them. I think this F2P model works well, but then again I play for sheer enjoyment first and foremost and for competition. I’m not really worried about a few aesthetic bugs.

Bugs happen all the time in fighting games and other games, nature of the beast. I think IG have done an excellent job at fixing bugs on time and as far as I can see, nothing will change. I like their philosophy, throw stuff into “the wild” as Keits would say, then see what happens and adjust accordingly. Can’t wait for s3!


ya I thought people could say the point of this thread is moot even before I posted it.

after a couple cups of coffee I started to argue the perspectives is my head real quick and I realized something.

if my concern is general bugs, then ya irrelevant.
if my concern is that every single patch in SE2 broke a playable character that wasn’t even patch related, then no. its a valid concern and worth a post.

^Thread over, guys.

It’s worth noting that software correctness is probably the single most difficult problem in software engineering. There are iron-clad impossibility results backing this up, but suffice it to say that especially in complex software systems, the amount of distinct execution paths tends to grow super-exponentially with the size of the code base. It should go without saying that developers have to labor their asses off to reduce bug issues to a mere nuisance.

Check the rebalance notes, this is coming back in S3 as a feature.

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I agree with everything that your post said. I even feel kinda bad about starting this thread.

what I’m really getting at isn’t general bugs. I’m talking serious game breaking stuff. adding to the complexity off these issues is that fact they’re churning content out so fast and furious there’s no possible way in heck they can possibly play test everything. that’s really my point.

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I actually think churning these things out in smaller chunks is probably better from a QA standpoint than simply finishing the entire damn game before releasing anything. In the former case you get some situations where new features break old ones, but by releasing the game in pieces you allow a month for each part of the game to be thoroughly scrutinized both internally and in the wild before working on shipping the next part, and, since the base it has been added to is relatively mature, new bugs tend to be fairly contained and you have some idea of where to find them. It strikes me as better than releasing everything all at once and discovering that everything is on fire.

It’s probably better on staff and resources, too: the QA guys get a more consistent workload throughout the lifespan of the project, and their efforts can be more focused so they’re more productive.

But iuno, you just kinda have to accept that bugs are a reality of software and find some chill.

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And what do you intend we do about it?

As has been stated by devs before, this is a game with tons of moving parts. Things will break for no foreseeable reason regardless of how much time is allowed to the team. Even you yourself have acknowledged the haphazard nature some of these issues can occur - so I don’t expect the devs to automatically know of every crazy way an update displaces something completely unrelated to it in the game.

If the current system is one in which putting a component into place will seemingly-randomly break another one, the best thing for the devs to do is just make everything work to the best of their abilities and fix issues as they’re encountered - exactly what they’re doing now.

There is no alternative — unless you have any ideas. If not, we’re pretty much done here.

well there’s a few things that can be done. A person made an interesting suggestion right above this post I’m replying to.

if your read that post then that would be the logical solution to my concerns. The question then becomes does IG retract announcements made in regards to the amount of content at release. IG is in to deep to make such decision a happen.

I know it’s hard to find middle ground between people wanting content and people wanting things to work correctly. I main only 1 fighter and if it’s a botched patch that negatively affects that playable I’m SOL.
Your right tho, if it’s screwed up then what can we do? We buy it anyways mindlessly without question.

I think maybe you’re misinterpreting my post a little. I was indicating my support for the way they rolled out S2, but I don’t really think it’s unreasonable to expect them to launch half a season in a stable condition either.

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I think this thread is pointless… and sort of rude towards Keits and Adam. No game is perfect. Either you like it or you dont. Stuff happens…its not the end of the world. And if your loosing sleep over these little things then maybe you should get into game testing and see if they will hire you.

But to say things like o wow…star struck and making accusations that you have no real facts to back up you claim is just pointless. How about we just play the game and have fun.

Unless your in a tournament April 1st with money on the line, it really doesn’t matter does it?

Dont buy the game if you think its that bad, but posting threads to encourage others to not buy the game isnt cool

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This thread is pointless cause people dont read posts after the original one. Never did I encourage people to not buy the game. Im not going to repeat my self over and over. If your curious follow the conversations other posters have put time and energy into because in a way the thread evolves through interaction. Its a discussion weather or not scrapping smaller updates for significantly bigger ones are favorable. and yes i have money invested in this game, time as well.

and what statements have I made that need backing up? I bet you cant find a single instance.

Look man, the game is basically being overhauled to a major degree and hasnt been play tested, if past patches are anything to go by, its gonna be bad.

I bought the game back in 2013 I get these updates no matter what I buy or dont. Its quite frankly, hard for me to explain that to you because u fail to understand it.

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I didn’t quote you not tag your name… my post is to all that consistently post these types of threads and comments that are rude to the development team and just unwarranted criticism. some of these people act as if the game is completely broken…I rarely have any issues with my copy of KI

If you feel its directed exactly to you, then …O well.

thats what I thought…

Dont ever feel asking hard questions are somehow disrespectful or rude to the DEV team. We make the game better in an odd way.

Think about it. If adam had never asked the hard question: “I want arbiter as a guest character”, you wouldn’t be playing him in 25 days. lol. Adam didnt even think they would say yes. He just shot for the moon and scored.

@Fnrslvr’s suggestion, which is pretty much the standard we have now, was actually what I was alluding to.

Ya but dont you feel this breaks the mold of 1 playable, 1 stage and patch bugs paradigm. Its pretty much a gut job of the game. then were back to my original post. lol. huh, I feel like im going in circles and trying to eek out a point out of other legitimate points. Its really the fault of how games are distributed in this closed system. However, the OG post kinda stands on its own merit. TO much work not enough time.