Do you think we've spoilt as a community?

The problem is the people who were causing a stir are faces of the Community. So while it may not be fair to the community at large, it still is a problem that those people (who are very recognizable as people who play KI actively) were acting in a bad manner.

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Alright well lets start calling out these butt-faces of the community instead of making everyone who plays this game look bad to the outside world. This is why I don’t follow people on Twitter or watch “popular” streamers outside of tournaments, I don’t care if some guy thinks a character is OP or if someone else thinks that the game needs whatever else. They don’t speak for me, they don’t speak for the community, they’re just players like the rest of us and their opinions hold no more weight than the average user in my opinion.

If they want to be pricks, that’s their deal not mine.


Thing is it wasn’t some random kids
 its was Rico and Sleep. Plus all there little cronies agreeing and aging it on with them. But the 2 main culprits are Rico and Sleep. Mainly Rico.

But your right
 they dont represent all of us but they give the game and the competitive scene a bad name right now.
Keits seems pretty tough so for him to take off like that it had to have been building up from all the different outlets that are bugging him daily about nerfs and making rude remarks about him. Ive seen some real hateful stuff in that chat and on Facebook. Im sure twitter is just as bad.
Those ppl wont come on here and say anything because of how strict it is here but on FB and the chat they can say whatever with no consequences. Cowards.


In a perfect world everyone would be considered equals.

But that’s not the world we live in.

We live in a world where the inexperienced ask advice from the most skilled and passionate players they can find. Players of whom some have posted the quotes above.


[quote=“FallofSeraphs76, post:143, topic:6323, full:true”]
Thing is it wasn’t some random kids
 its was Rico and Sleep. Plus all there little cronies agreeing and aging it on with them. But the 2 main culprits are Rico and Sleep. Mainly Rico.[/quote]Their opinions mean literally nothing to me.

I’ve admired their skill in the past but if that’s the type of people they want to be, they don’t deserve the admiration. If those guys want to cause a stir, then they’re asses and that’s that, its not the community who needs to grow up. The KI community is the same group of talented impassioned people its always been, don’t let a few bad apples sour the bunch, no matter how overgrown they might be. [quote=“SonicDolphin117, post:144, topic:6323”]We live in a world where the inexperienced ask advice from the most skilled and passionate players they can find. Players of whom some have posted the quotes above.
[/quote]Well then the sheep should probably better choose who they idolize, a few jerks with a sour opinion do not a community make.


No offense, but I think you’re missing the point here. This isn’t about how you yourself view the people in this community.

It’s about the many inexperienced players that don’t know how to form their own opinions and be confident in them. For example, let’s just say they were told by a tournament champion that counter breakers are broken and don’t work. What do you think their reaction is going to be when they get into a match and miss their counter breaker by a few frames? Do you think they’re going to say “Well dang, I better figure out what I did wrong”?

I f***ing wish.


Regardless of how the masses absorb information from their false gods, it doesn’t really mean that the KI community is a festering wasteland of scrubs and douchebags if said players start acting like children. There will always been uninformed masses looking for a teat to latch onto when it comes to video gaming, I can’t argue that I just don’t care for it myself and I don’t like being lumped in with a bunch of rotten eggs just for liking the same franchise.

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I completely understand your point that the problem is stemming from a loud minority.

But unfortunately, their voice is just as loud as the positive side because they want to make themselves heard. The positive majority of the community needs to make a statement and make themselves a voice as well.

And speaking of making a statement

Where the **** is the discussion video? XD

I always watch with chat on because I want to learn from the discussions ppl are having. I’m used to having to filter out the bs, but this was pretty bad.
And the funny thing is that I agree with the criticism but not the way of criticizing

I stopped watching around the Aria mirror match (seadragon vs zero?), the chat was sort of heating up already at that point. Never bothered to watch until the end and I guess I’m glad I didn’t.

Yeah, then PaulB showed up and started pushing people’s buttons. He was promptly told to leave.


I missed that part. I like the double standards between the pros and casuals. Casual player complains about a nerf to their main, and the pro calls them a scrub and says deal with it. Pro players main gets nerfed and it becomes a national crysis. The pro either starts bitching that S3 sucks, or that they are going to quit. Casual player spams a move and they are called a scrub or crap player. Pro spams a move and it is called skill. Casual player wants a buff and then they accused of wanting to make their main OP. Pro wants a buff and they feel IG should just do it because “the pro” thinks they know what is best for the game.

The pros need to understand that KI is for the casual player to enjoy also, not just them.


I think there should be more mods on these things. Look at Maxs KI world Cup stream, it had his mods constantly wipe the chat when it went downwards fast. Thing about big stream events like Combo Breaker is that you constantly get people from other games talking smack, there really isn’t anything we can do there. CEO will probably host similar behavior because of this. 8Bit should consider better mods and putting the chat in slow or subscriber mode when things get disrespectful.


So the evo champions and a few other pros thought it was OK to do this?
These people are meant to rep the game to other fgc’s. All it does is show the other communities how bad we supposedly are.
I think we need better ambassadors and better modding and people to grow the hell up.


Yea for a dude who constantly complains I can’t figure out why he still hangs around he should just move on

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Same reason anybody would: to get attention for the complaining, or holding out hoping he gets what he wants.

I’m glad 8BBD issued that statement - the efforts that go into that tourney should never be taken for granted, and for anyone to try to steal the show for any reason (much less for these reasons) is simply disrespectful.

Really it’s up to us to build the community we want to see. And based on what I see here, we want to have fun and speak rationally and be polite and make an environment that people would like to be a part of.

I’d just like to reiterate that going in on any one player, whether or not they’re at fault here, is not the answer. More negativity will never be the answer.


Top Players being asshats in the FGC is nothing new. I’m not saying that all top players are asshats but there has always been a asshat group in each game.

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It’s uploading! Geeez!


And that’s because top players

are people.

Even good people can turn asshat at the drop of a dime, given the scenario.

We’re imperfect. Forgive.

(this isn’t really directed at you Munin, just sort of volleying your statement here)

i am also glad they tossed out that open letter to everyone. i can understand how the 8bit guys feel about running an online tournament on their own time and money. they could be doing other things, things that need to get done, or just going about their own business.

instead, they choose to host tournaments for us to try to expand our player base. the behavior that ensued is something that would piss me off also if i spent that time and money only to see ppl act like complete children. especially pro players, gotta remember that you’re now being watched by many people. need to conduct yourself with maturity and respect, if something bothers you keep it to yourself, or post about it here (elaborately and with tact). bitching out a dev on his time off is not the way to go

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