Am I the only one that thinks Fulgore is Eagle?

Yes…its really cool to have the whole KI TV tournament story line brought into S3… Im curious as to why they waited till now to do this. It feels backwards…but owell…Im just glad we have all this story to read and enjoy.

Watch Eagle not even be in the game! lol

What would be great is if Genreal Ham-sandwich was scrapped and Eagle is his replacement along with Eyedol! that would be super awesome!!!


Well, considering this is a reboot, they have used elements for not only the original games, but also the comics as well. It was never even hinted at in the games that Fulgore was anything other than a terminator-ish robot. But the comics said he was Eagle. Now in the reboot, he’s a robot with Eagle’s brain…hmm where did that come from?

Anyway, because they’re using the comics as part of the reboots’ sources. In TJ’s S2 story he did kill a Riptor, and the current Riptor was p*ssed about it and went after him…More & more examples can be used.

I don’t think anyone here is confused about this game being a reboot, but considering the original 3 sources are heavily referenced…it’s kinda like they aren’t exactly cannon, but at the same time they are.

So folks are in a mental limbo about it all? Sounds kinda like catharsis and septsis at the same time.

Turns out that book Kan Ra hits you with for his Ultra Ender is actually an unpublished KI Graphic Novel in hardcover. It contains the entire storyline and is the secret source of the new KI lore.


The book of Khepari! or is it the Necronomicon??

OMG i didn’t know there’s vehicles on this forum hype train ACTIVATE :steam_locomotive: CHOOOO CHOOOO

We’ve been told so many times that Fulgore is a “cyborg” meaning he has some living tissue inside of him, if Eagle isn’t Fulgore that kind of just diminishes the entire cyborg thing don’t you think?

No one uses cyborg/android correctly. Just look at Dragonball Z’s “androids”

Regardless of what other people say, the developers confirmed that Fuglore is a Cyborg and that he’s got meaty bits inside of his hard candy shell. So if Eagle isn’t in there, who is?

How did they get the copyrights to even include eagle?!?


I have to disagree just a bit on the idea that story in fighting games doesn’t matter. It may not matter to everybody, but up until like 2014/2015 when I got back into gaming, the only thing keeping me interested in the fighting games I was playing was because I was invested in the characters and enjoyed the story/lore of it + personal attachment. The gameplay is what keeps me in and is obviously important since if the gameplay sucks I probably won’t keep playing, but if the game has no characters I like or am interested in in someway…that is just as bad as having sh** gameplay for me.


Read the latest KI Novella. It explains that Eagle’s cloned Consciousness is inside Fullgore. Eagle has been freed by Glacius.

Yeah I read it.

I’m talking about the PAST. What they told us BEFORE the novella.

Beforehand, we were told Fulgore had meaty human anatomy inside of him, the season 2 story told us that Fulgore was Thunder’s brother. This new info is just back-peddling over what we were already knew, I’m not totally opposed to this but honestly it’s confusing.

Also, if Eagle’s “consciousness” was cloned and placed in Fulgore I guess that means there are two Eagles, the original and the cloned meat that resides in Fulgore, since Fulgore is struggling with his “programming” and his humanity.

Well you can see underneatht he parts of fullgore and see he has no “meat”, it was only his conscious, his “Killer Instinct” that was cloned. They didn’t need to clone his body.

Again, it was confirmed at one point from the devs mouths that he’s got meat of some kind inside. :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty much, it was heavily implied that the “fighting spirit” that they couldn’t emulate with a machine was the human brain, or the soul. Something like that, implying that it was human inside.

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Maybe they cloned some brains for the brain core and uploaded Eagles techniques from there… IDK

I’d look to the stories on this forum specifically. Though.

You mean the brain core thing. It doesn’t say brain literally but as soon as the special core comes in the Fulgore starts reacting violently. I think that was th Fullgore back story post.